English 10It is with great pleasure I WELCOME all of you back to this new school year, '22/23. A year that brought lots of challenges, but also learning opportunities to our lives. This year most of us have depended on God as our guidance and balance. That's why I want to leave this bible verse with each of you.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your path." Prov. 3; 5,6.

The language arts curriculum facilitates the ESL learning so that students can understand the importance of learning to read, speak, and write English as a second language. 

This program also provides help for students to enrich their English vocabulary and achieve their goals successfully. To help students appreciate diversity, develop a sense of caring for others and learn to give God the first place in their lives.

Español 10El curso de Español de 10mo grado mediante estándares y expectativas; tiene como objetivo proveer al estudiante los recursos y estrategias para adquirir las competencias que su nivel académico exige; en la comunicación, gramática, redacción… entre otras áreas de su lengua materna. Por sobre todo deseamos presentarle a Cristo como Maestro y guía de su vida, para prepararlo de forma integral para servir a Dios y a la humanidad.

Geometry 10“La geometría como cuerpo de conocimientos permite analizar, organizar y sistematizar los conocimientos espaciales, que favorecen la comprensión y admiración por el entorno natural” (Lastra, 2005, p. 2). En este curso estarás desarrollando tu comprensión sobre el punto, la recta, el segmento, el rayo, el plano, el polígono, el circulo, las figuras regulares y compuestas, el ángulo, la forma y las medidas de figuras bidimensionales y sólidos tridimensionales y muchas destrezas más.

Biology 10In the Biology course you will be able to see through each chapter the work of a great designer called GOD, from the smallness of a tiny atom and cell to the complexity of the human body.
Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.Nehemiah 9:6